This component activates the next step in a behavior when the player presses a button on the screen of their connected phone or tablet.  The creator will be given a choice of button icons and colors to use when he places the component in the behavior.


This component lights up specified Meccabrain lights, and waits for the player to press one of them.  Within a behavior, the creator can specify different branches of action to trigger based on which button is pressed. 


This component waits for physical movement of a specified servo to a position greater than or less than a value set by the creator.


This component counts down. As a single component, it delays continuation to the next step in a behavior for a specified number of minutes and seconds.  It can also be used in combined components to compare against the run time of other components.


This component counts up to a specified number every time the component is activated.  Once the number is reached, the behavior will trigger the next action.


This component waits for a specified time of day (hour : minute) to continue to the next step.  It can be set to am or pm, and set to continue AT, BEFORE or AFTER the time.